SRV’s theater program embraces the rich artistic heritage of Rose Valley while integrating the core principles of our Head, Hands, and Heart curriculum. This approach, grounded in the tenets of progressive education, invites students to uncover and nurture their inner theater artist. Rooted in the elements and principles of the national theater education framework, our program is a dynamic, weekly special for our elementary students.
Through our emergent curriculum, students explore every facet of theater. They dive into storytelling, movement, set and costume design, puppetry, research, writing, performance, and improvisation. The program is constantly evolving, fostering collaboration between classrooms and other Specials teachers, ensuring a well-rounded, interdisciplinary experience.
Our students often carry their enthusiasm for theater beyond the classroom, expressing their creativity during recess, assembly, and choice time. The theater program at SRV is a space where imagination thrives, and every child is encouraged to discover the magic of the stage.
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